API Payment Methods (1.0)
Access is protected by IP address validation and the integrity of transmitted data is ensured using the HTTPS protocol. The step of creating payments is optional, but it is advisable to implement it in case you require the certainty of secure payment creation. It is possible to skip the implementation of this step if you do not need to identify individual payments in the system, but only require information that someone has paid you a certain amount. This is suitable, for example, when implementing donations or recharging funds to a customer's virtual account, where you are only interested in who recharged what amount, but you do not need to differentiate individual recharges or limit recharges to a minimum amount. However, for a classic e-shop, where you pay for specific goods, it is inappropriate to skip this step. The merchant uses HTTP requests to create payment transaction. Payment attributes including unique payment reference numbers are sent as POST parameters via HTTP protocol. Communication is only between the Merchant’s server and the payment gateway server. It is invisible to payer and the payer cannot change the payment parameters. The payment gateway server responds by sending a unique payment transaction identifier – transaction ID (Comgate system identifier) and URL to which to redirect the payer
The payment gateway server responds only if the payment is created in a background. All parameters are urlencoded, as in the case of an HTTP request. If the payment is created through redirection, then the payment gateway server directly redirects the Payer to the appropriate URL or displays an error message.
Choice of payment method
Within the shopping process on the e-shop, it's possible to display a selection of payment methods to the payer, and based on their selection, initiate a payment with a specific method. When the payer is presented with the payment gateway, the pre-selected payment method will be automatically displayed. Setting the chosen payment method is possible by filling in the 'method' parameter. Through this parameter, payment methods can also be filtered differently.
More here: https://apidoc.comgate.cz/en/metody-platebni-brany
The payment gateway allows to enter, confirm and cancel pre-authorizations of card payments. The payment is created in the standard way, it is only necessary to specify the parameter preauth = true. After Payer enters data at the payment gateway, the corresponding amount is reserved on his payment card. Depending on the result of this operation, it goes either to the special AUTHORIZED state or, in the case of rejection, to the CANCELLED state. This result is reported in the background according to the usual procedure described above.
In order for the money to be actually withdrawn, the e-shop calls the function to confirm the pre-authorization. If the money is to be released (eg it is not possible to meet the conditions of the purchase contract), the e-shop calls the function to cancel the pre-authorization.
To create a redirection payment, use endpoint /v2.0/paymentRedirect/merchant/{merchant_id}, with the same parameters as for basic create.
The URL and structure of the payment code may change. Always use the address returned by the API and do not tamper with it. If you want to save the payment code, use the transId parameter. Never parse data from specific positions in the text, they can also change.
All values containing special characters must be in UTF-8.
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Request Body schema: application/json
Create new payment
test | boolean Default: true A value of 'true' means that the payment will be created as a test, a value of 'false' means a production version. If the parameter is missing, the payment is created as production. |
country | string Possible values: ALL, AT, BE, CY, CZ, DE, EE, EL, ES, FI, FR, GB, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, SE, US. If the parameter is missing, 'CZ' is used automatically. The parameter is used to limit the selection of payment methods at the payment gateway. It is necessary to select the correct combination of 'country' and 'curr' parameters for the given region. For example, to display Czech buttons and pay by card in CZK, choose the combination country = CZ and curr = CZK. For Slovak bank buttons and card payments in EUR, select country = SK and curr = EUR. For Polish bank buttons and card payment in PLN, select country = PL and curr = PLN. For other foreign currencies, you can use the country = ALL parameter or another country code that the payment gateway accepts. |
price required | integer <int32> Price for a product in cents or pennies. For currency HUF, you cannot enter the price with decimal places. In this case, the price must always end with 00. |
curr required | string Currency code according to ISO 4217. Available currencies: CZK, EUR, PLN, HUF, USD, GBP, RON, HRK, NOK, SEK. |
label required | string Short description of the product (1-16 characters) - this item enable to filter payments in the Client Portal. |
refId required | string Parameter suitable for entering a variable symbol or order number on the Client's side (it does not have to be unique, ie it is possible to create more payments with the same refId). In the Client Portal and daily csv. the parameter is marked as Client ID. |
method required | string Payment method from the payment methods table, the value 'ALL' in case the payer should choose the method, or a simple expression with the selection of methods. |
account | string Identifier of the Client's bank account to which Comgate will transfer money. If you do not fill in the parameter, the default Client account will be used. You can find a list of the Client's accounts at https://portal.comgate.cz/. |
email required | string Payer's contact email. Only one piece of information is required, either an email address or a phone number. |
phone required | string Payer's phone number in international format +420777112233. Only one piece of information is required, either an email address or a phone number. |
fullName required | string The payer's full name, e.g., Josef Novák. |
billingAddrCity | string Billing address - city. (e.g., Hradec Králové). |
billingAddrStreet | string Billing address - street. (e.g., Jiráskova 115). |
billingAddrPostalCode | string Billing address - postal code. (e.g., 50304). |
billingAddrCountry | string Billing address - country, in ISO 3166 alpha-2 format (e.g., CZ, SK, US, GB). |
delivery | string Delivery method - one of the available options: HOME_DELIVERY, PICKUP, ELECTRONIC_DELIVERY. The PICKUP option encompasses all pickup locations, pickup boxes, etc. |
homeDeliveryCity | string Delivery address - city. Only filled in if delivery=HOME_DELIVERY (e.g., Hradec Králové). |
homeDeliveryStreet | string Delivery address - street. Only filled in if delivery=HOME_DELIVERY (e.g., Štefanikova 421). |
homeDeliveryPostalCode | string Delivery address - postal code. Only filled in if delivery=HOME_DELIVERY (e.g., 50341). |
homeDeliveryCountry | string Delivery address - country, in ISO 3166 alpha-2 format. Only filled in if delivery=HOME_DELIVERY (e.g., CZ, SK, US, GB). |
category | string Product category in the basket - one of the available options that best describes the basket: PHYSICAL_GOODS_ONLY, OTHER. The OTHER option includes gift cards, vouchers, or services. |
name | string Product identifier - this item is located in the client's daily csv under the name Product. |
lang | string Language code (ISO 639-1) in which the Payer will be shown instructions for completing the payment, default allowed values ('bg', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'et', 'fi', 'fr', 'hr', 'hu', 'it', 'lt', 'lv', 'nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'si', 'sk', 'sv', 'vi'), if the parameter is missing, 'cs' will be used, in case of request for another language, contact platby-podpora@comgate.cz. |
preauth | boolean In the case of a request to pre-authorize credit card payments set to 'true'. In the case of a normal payment, fill in 'false' or do not use the parameter. Only for card payments. |
initRecurring | boolean Parameter for creating an initial transaction for recurring payments. Only for Clients who have the service enabled. |
verification | boolean Verification payment parameter, in case of a request to create a verification payment (value 'true') it is not necessary to send the initRecurring parameter. |
expirationTime | string If you want to change the expiration date of an individual payment, you can do so by entering this parameter. The allowed value is between 30 minutes and 7 days. The default value is according to the settings in the Client Portal. The value is in the format: ^[1-9][0-9]*(m|h|d)$. For example,: 30m, 3h, 250m, 1d, 5d. |
dynamicExpiration | boolean Enable or disable dynamic expiration. The default state is according to the settings in the Client Portal. |
url_paid | string Custom settings for single payment. E.g.: 'https://www.example.com/result.php?id=${id}&refId=${refId}' |
url_cancelled | string Custom settings for single payment. E.g.: 'https://www.example.com/result.php?id=${id}&refId=${refId}' |
url_pending | string Custom settings for single payment. E.g.: 'https://www.example.com/result.php?id=${id}&refId=${refId}' |
chargeUnregulatedCardFees | boolean Using this parameter, you can enable or disable the transfer of fees to the payer when paying with an unregulated card, and at the same time disable the Apple Pay and Google Pay methods (unless overridden by the 'enableApplePayGooglePay' parameter). Allowed values are 'true' or 'false'. |
enableApplePayGooglePay | boolean Set to 'false' to disable the Apple Pay and Google Pay payment methods for a specific payment, even if these methods are enabled in your account settings. |
Response Schema: application/json
code required | integer Method return code and error (value of message) description: |
message required | string |
transId | string Unique alphanumeric identifier (code) of the transaction, which will be displayed to the Payer at various stages of payment. |
redirect | string URL of the page where the Payer is to be redirected to make the payment. |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
{- "test": true,
- "country": "string",
- "price": 1000,
- "curr": "CZK",
- "label": "Product 123",
- "refId": "order445566",
- "method": "ALL",
- "account": "string",
- "email": "platce@email.com",
- "phone": "string",
- "fullName": "Jan Novák",
- "billingAddrCity": "string",
- "billingAddrStreet": "string",
- "billingAddrPostalCode": "string",
- "billingAddrCountry": "string",
- "delivery": "HOME_DELIVERY",
- "homeDeliveryCity": "string",
- "homeDeliveryStreet": "string",
- "homeDeliveryPostalCode": "string",
- "homeDeliveryCountry": "string",
- "category": "PHYSICAL_GOODS_ONLY",
- "name": "string",
- "lang": "string",
- "preauth": true,
- "initRecurring": true,
- "verification": true,
- "expirationTime": "string",
- "dynamicExpiration": true,
- "url_paid": "string",
- "url_cancelled": "string",
- "url_pending": "string",
- "chargeUnregulatedCardFees": true,
- "enableApplePayGooglePay": true
Response samples
- 200
{- "code": "0",
- "message": "OK",
- "transId": "AB12-CD34-EF56",
Storno of payment
If the order in the e-shop has been cancelled and the transaction is not to be completed by the payer, it is possible to use the storno of payment. Unlike a refund, the payment must be in the pending state.
Due to the speed of payment, the payment may already be paid, in which case an error will be displayed and the refund method must be used.
path Parameters
transId required | string unique alphanumeric identifier (code) of the transaction (transactionId) |
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Response Schema: application/json
code required | integer method return code and error description: |
message required | string |
Request samples
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
# You can also use wget curl -X DELETE https://payments.comgate.cz/v2.0/payment/transId/BBBB-CCCC-DDDD.json \ -H 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2Omd4NHE4T1YzVEp0Nm5vSm5maGpxSkt5WDNaNlljaDB5'
Response samples
- 200
{- "code": "0",
- "message": "OK"
Recurring payments, remembering card details
The payment gateway allows you to enter recurring payments, that is, one-click payments. The first (initial) payment takes place through a standard process with redirection to the payment gateway, subsequent payments already take place completely in the background. The system thus allows the payer to pay within a few seconds without having to fill in information about the payment card.
This functionality is available on request. In the case of recurring payments at the beginning, we create an initial payment, which is created as a regular payment, only the request contains an additional parameter initRecurring - method create. Subsequent recurring payments are already created using the recurring method and are linked to the Comgate ID of the initiating transaction. This ID must be tied to a specific Payer in the Client's system.
After creating a recurring payment, the Payer is not redirected to the payment gateway, because the whole process takes place in the background, the Client is only given the status of the payment, and he then displays this status to the Payer.
Subsequent recurring payments
Creating a second and subsequent recurring payment to the payment gateway is only possible in the case of accepting cards for e-shops that have the service enabled.The first (initial) payment is made in the standard way (see Creating a payment). The process of creating a second and each subsequent payment takes place completely in the background, these payments are tied to the initiator via the Comgate ID of the initiation payment. This ID must be in the request in the initRecurringId parameter. The payer is shown the payment status in the e-shop system as a result.
All parameters are urlencoded, as in the case of an HTTP request to create a standard payment. The answer contains the code parameter, according to which the e-shop determines what result the payer will display. code = 0 means success, the payment was created and paid, any other code means an error and therefore no payment was created.
Recurring payments
Recurring payments with a predefined amount and period (eg monthly, weekly, etc.) can be made using the Recurring Payments service, which is described in the previous paragraphs.
Test recurring payments created with the e-mail 'recurring.cancelled@comgate.cz' will have all subsequent payments (apart from the initial one) tagged as CANCELLED (unpaid)
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Request Body schema: application/json
test | boolean A value of 'true' means that the payment will be created as a test, a value of 'false' means a production version. If the parameter is missing, the payment is created as production. |
price required | integer <int32> Price of the product in cents or pennies. Must be min. 10 CZK (incl.), Max. unlimited. |
curr required | string Currency code according to ISO 4217, standard 'CZK'. |
label required | string short product description (1-16 characters) |
refId required | string Payment reference in the e-shop system (it does not have to be unique, i.e. it is possible to create multiple payments with the same refId). |
account | string The identifier of the e-shop bank account to which Comgate will transfer the money. If you do not complete the parameter, the default e-shop account will be used. You can find a list of e-shop accounts at https://portal.comgate.cz/. |
name | string Product identifier - this item allows you to navigate to the payment statistics of the Comgate payment system. |
initRecurringId required | string Comgate ID of the initial payment |
Response Schema: application/json
code required | integer method return code and error description: |
message required | string |
transId | string a unique alphanumeric transaction identifier (code) that will be displayed to the payer at various stages of payment |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
{- "test": true,
- "price": 10000,
- "curr": "CZK",
- "label": "string",
- "refId": "2010102600",
- "account": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "initRecurringId": "AB12-CD34-EF56"
Response samples
- 200
{- "code": "0",
- "message": "OK",
- "transId": "string"
Payment refund
The refund method is intended for payments already created and paid. Payment status must be paid. It is possible to make both a partial (refunded amount is lower than the payment amount) and a full refund (the refund amount is equal to the payment amount). The amount will be transferred back to the payer's account.
If the payment has not been completed and is in a pending state, it is possible to use the payment storno method.
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Request Body schema: application/json
Payment refund
transId required | string unique alphanumeric transaction identifier (code) (transactionId) |
amount required | integer <int32> refund amount - can be the full or partial amount of the transaction. The refund amount is entered in cents or pennies. For the currency HUF, it is not possible to enter an amount with decimal places. In this case, the amount must always end with 00. |
test | boolean A value of 'true' means that the refund will be created as a test. Refunds and payments will be verified in the standard manner, only the original payment will not be refunded. If 'false' is completed or the parameter is empty, an official refund is created. Test transactions can only be refunded by a test refund. |
refId | string parameter suitable for entering the refund identification number on the customer's side (it does not have to be unique, i.e. it is possible to create multiple refunds with the same refId); in the Client Portal under refund section and the daily csv for the refund, the parameter is marked as the Client ID. If this parameter is not attached to the refund, the original refId of the created payment will be displayed for the payment. |
Response Schema: application/json
code required | integer method return code and error description: |
message required | string |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
{- "transId": "AB12-CD34-EF56",
- "amount": 10000,
- "test": true,
- "refId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
{- "code": "0",
- "message": "OK"
Terminal payment refund
The refund method is intended for terminal payments already created and paid. Payment status must be paid. It is possible to make both a partial (refunded amount is lower than the payment amount) and a full refund (the refund amount is equal to the payment amount). The amount will be transferred back to the payer's account.
If the payment has not been completed and is in a pending state, it is possible to use the payment storno method.The server API may not have a payment record immediately available. Therefore, it is advisable to first call for a refund from the cash desk at the terminal. And the API call can be used if the refund cannot be called from the cash register on the terminal.
To use this method, it is necessary to first set the allowed IP addresses for the given terminal in the section Store settings - Terminals in the Client Portal, from which refunds will be made.
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Request Body schema: application/json
Terminal payment refund
vs required | string variable payment symbol |
amount required | integer <int32> refund amount - can be the full or partial amount of the transaction |
date required | string date of execution of the transaction |
Response Schema: application/json
code required | integer method return code and error description: |
message required | string |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
{- "vs": "7654321",
- "amount": 10000,
- "date": "2000-02-22"
Response samples
- 200
{- "code": "0",
- "message": "OK"
If the e-shop has created a payment with a request to pre-authorize the card payment (using the parameter preauth = true), calling this function will request the debiting of the money that was blocked through pre-authorization. It is possible to perform both the partial debiting of the transaction (the pre-authorized amount is lower than the payment amount) and full debiting (the debited amount is equal to the payment amount). Calls can only be used for payments for which AUTHORIZED status has been reported.
path Parameters
transId required | string unique alphanumeric identifier (code) of the transaction (transactionId) |
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Request Body schema: application/json
Confirmation of pre-authorization
amount | integer <int32> the amount of pre-authorization to be debitd from the card - it can be in the full or partial amount of the transaction |
Response Schema: application/json
code required | integer method return code and error description: |
message required | string |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
{- "amount": 10000
Response samples
- 200
{- "code": "0",
- "message": "OK"
If the e-shop has created a payment with a request to pre-authorize the card payment (using the parameter preauth = true), by calling this function the e-shop indicates that it does not want to collect the money that was blocked during pre-authorization and the money can be released to the card again. Calls can only be used for payments for which AUTHORIZED status has been reported.
path Parameters
transId required | string unique alphanumeric identifier (code) of the transaction (transactionId) |
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Response Schema: application/json
code required | integer method return code and error description: |
message required | string |
Request samples
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
# You can also use wget curl -X DELETE https://payments.comgate.cz/v2.0/preauth/transId/BBBB-CCCC-DDDD.json \ -H 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2Omd4NHE4T1YzVEp0Nm5vSm5maGpxSkt5WDNaNlljaDB5'
Response samples
- 200
{- "code": "0",
- "message": "OK"
The transferList method is used to obtain information about which transfers were made within a given day.
path Parameters
date required | string indicate the transfer date |
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Request Body schema: application/json
test | boolean Default: false if the value is 'true', the method returns predefined sample transfer |
Response Schema: application/json
transferId | integer |
transferDate | string <date> |
accountCounterparty | string |
accountOutgoing | string |
variableSymbol | string |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
{- "test": false
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "transferId": 1234567,
- "transferDate": "2023-01-25",
- "accountCounterparty": "0/0000",
- "accountOutgoing": "123456789/0000",
- "variableSymbol": "12345678"
The singleTransfer method displays detailed information for a specific bank transfer.
The mandatory transferId parameter merchant obtained by using ttransferList method.
path Parameters
transferId required | string mandatory parameter obtained using the transferList method |
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Request Body schema: application/json
test | boolean Default: false suitable for testing - returns details to predefined sample transfers |
Response Schema: application/json
typ | integer |
Merchant | string |
Datum založení | string |
Datum zaplacení | string |
Datum převodu | string |
Měsíc fakturace | string |
ID Comgate | string |
Metoda | string |
Produkt | string |
Popis | string |
E-mail plátce | string |
Variabilní symbol platby | string |
Variabilní symbol převodu | string |
ID od klienta | string |
Měna | string |
Potvrzená částka | string |
Převedená částka | string |
Poplatek celkem | string |
Poplatek mezibankovní | string |
Poplatek asociace | string |
Poplatek zpracovatel | string |
Typ karty | string |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
{- "test": false
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "typ": 1,
- "Merchant": "123456",
- "Datum založení": "2023-01-06 14:11:30",
- "Datum zaplacení": "2023-01-06 14:21:30",
- "Datum převodu": "2023-01-10",
- "Měsíc fakturace": null,
- "ID Comgate": "AAAA-BBBB-CCCC",
- "Metoda": "Card payment",
- "Produkt": null,
- "Popis": "description eshop payment",
- "E-mail plátce": "name.lastname@email.cz",
- "Variabilní symbol platby": "123456789",
- "Variabilní symbol převodu": "123456789",
- "ID od klienta": "1234",
- "Měna": "EUR",
- "Potvrzená částka": "10,00",
- "Převedená částka": "10,00",
- "Poplatek celkem": "0,35",
- "Poplatek mezibankovní": "0,25",
- "Poplatek asociace": "0,25",
- "Poplatek zpracovatel": "-0,15",
- "Typ karty": "EU_UNREGULATED"
Thanks to the csvSingleTransfer method, you can download the daily statement in CSV format for a specific bank transfer.
path Parameters
transferId required | string details for a specific bank transfer |
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Request Body schema: application/json
download | boolean If not filled in or false, it returns data: file name and its contents; if true, it returns the CSV file directly. |
test | boolean Default: false returns a sample CSV file for testing purposes |
Response Schema: application/json
nazev | string File name for the downloaded CSV file |
csv | string Base64-encoded CSV file |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
{- "download": false,
- "test": false
Response samples
- 200
{- "nazev": "vypis-YYYY-MM-DD.csv",
- "csv": "base64 encoded csv"
Thanks to the aboSingleTransfer method, you can download a daily statement in ABO format.
path Parameters
transferId required | string details for a specific bank transfer |
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Request Body schema: application/json
download | boolean If not filled in or false, it returns data: file name and its contents; if true, it returns the ABO file directly. |
type | string the 'type' parameter can take the values 'v1' and 'v2'. Under 'v1' you get the ABO version with the fees listed separately for each payment, under 'v2' you get the ABO with the total fee in one line. If the parameter is not filled in, you will automatically receive the type 'v1'. |
encoding | string Default: "utf8" The character encoding can be utf8 or win1250. If the value is not filled in, the parameter value defaults to utf8. |
test | boolean Default: false Returns a sample ABO file for testing purposes. |
Response Schema: application/json
nazev | string file name |
abo | string base64 encoded abo/gpc file |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
{- "download": true,
- "type": "v1",
- "encoding": false,
- "test": false
Response samples
- 200
{- "nazev": "vypis-YYYY-MM-DD.gpc",
- "abo": "base64_encoded_abo_file"
Direct download of CSV files for a specific day using the csvDowload method. The downloaded ZIP file will contain one or more CSV files if there are multiple transactions within a day. It can be used, for example, for calls using wget.
path Parameters
date required | string mandatory for one day only |
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Request Body schema: application/json
test | boolean Default: false For testing purposes, it returns a sample CSV file in ZIP format. |
Response Schema: application/zip
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
{- "test": false
Direct download of ABO files for a specific day using the aboDowload method. The downloaded ZIP file will contain one or more ABO files.It can be used, for example, for calls using wget.
path Parameters
date required | string mandatory for one day only |
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Request Body schema: application/json
type | string the 'type' parameter can take the values 'v1' and 'v2'. Under 'v1' you get the ABO version with the fees listed separately for each payment, under 'v2' you get the ABO with the total fee in one line. If the parameter is not filled in, you will automatically receive the type 'v1'. |
encoding | string The character encoding can be utf8 or win1250. If the value is not filled in, the parameter value defaults to utf8. |
test | boolean Default: false For testing purposes, it returns a sample CSV file in ZIP format. |
Response Schema: application/zip
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
{- "type": "string",
- "encoding": "string",
- "test": false
Obtaining allowed methods
Method for obtaining the settings that the e-shop has enabled in the Comgate Payment System. This method can be used to obtain a list of available payment methods for making payments.
The response contains XML or JSON, depending on the selected parameter. Both formats have the same level of immersion.
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Request Body schema: application/json
Get payment methods
lang | string Select the language in which the method descriptions will be. Allowed values are 'bg', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'et', 'fi', 'fr', 'hr', 'hu', 'it', 'lt', 'lv', 'nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'si', 'sk', 'sv', 'vi'. If not filled in, 'cs' will be used. |
curr | string Filling in the parameter to the values CZK or EUR will return methods that support the specified currency (CZK, EUR, PLN, HUF, USD, GBP, RON, NOK, SEK). |
country | string Country code ('AT', 'BE', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DE', 'EE', 'EL', 'ES', 'FI', 'FR', 'GB', 'HR', 'HU', 'IE', 'IT', 'LT', 'LU', 'LV', 'MT', 'NL', 'NO', 'PL', 'PT', 'RO', 'SL', 'SK', 'SE', 'US'), the parameter is used to limit the selection of payment methods for the specified country. |
price | integer <int32> Price for a product in cents or pennies. For currency HUF, you cannot enter the price with decimal places. In this case, the price must always end with 00. |
initRecurring | boolean Default: false Parameter for an initial transaction for recurring payments. Only for Clients who have the service enabled. |
verification | boolean Default: false Parameter for creating an initial transaction for recurring payments. Only for Clients who have the service enabled. |
preauth | boolean Default: false In the case of a request to pre-authorize credit card payments set to ‘true’. In the case of a normal payment, fill in ‘false’ or do not use the parameter. Only for card payments. |
expirationTime | string Length of payment expiration. The allowed value is an integer followed by the letter of the selected time unit: 'm' (minutes), 'h' (hours) or 'd' (days). For example '30m' (30 minutes) or '10h' (10 hours) or '2d' (2 days). Units cannot be combined. The resulting length must be between 30 minutes and 7 days. |
embedded | boolean The 'embedded' parameter is used to filter methods in case the gateway will be displayed in an iframe. Payment methods that cannot be displayed on the payment gateway in the iframe will be filtered out. If you are displaying the payment gateway in an iframe, use 'embedded=true'. |
userAgent | string The 'userAgent' parameter is used to identify the customer's web browser. Filters out payment methods incompatible with the given device. |
Response Schema: application/json
required | Array of objects Available methods | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Response Schema: application/json
required | Array of objects Error | ||||||
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
{- "lang": "string",
- "curr": "string",
- "country": "string",
- "price": 0,
- "initRecurring": false,
- "verification": false,
- "preauth": false,
- "expirationTime": "string",
- "embedded": true,
- "userAgent": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "methods": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "group": "string",
- "groupLabel": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "name_short": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "logo": "string",
- "logo_240": "string",
- "cblogo": "string",
- "clogo": "string",
- "sblogo": "string",
- "slogo": "string"
Getting payment status in the background
Analogous function for transmitting the result of payment in the background, only initiated by the Store. However, it does not replace the transfer of the status of the payment in the background, its implementation is still mandatory.
path Parameters
transId required | string unique alphanumeric identifier (code) of the transaction (transactionId) |
header Parameters
authorization required | string Authorization header is added in the form: 'Authorization: Basic [base64_encode(merchant:secret)]'. Merchant is the E-shop identifier in the ComGate system - you can find it in the Client Portal in the section e-shop settings - e-shop connection. Secret is the password. |
Response Schema: application/json
code required | string Method return code |
message required | string method return code and error description: |
test required | string A value of 'true' means that the payment was created as a test, a value of 'false' means a production version. |
price required | string price of the product in cents or pennies |
curr required | string currency code according to ISO 4217 |
label required | string short product description (1-16 characters) |
refId required | string payment references in the e-shop system |
payerId | string payer identifier in the e-shop system |
method | string payment method used, from the table of payment methods |
account | string identifier of the e-shop bank account to which Comgate will transfer the money |
email required | string payer's contact e-mail |
name | string product identifier - this item allows you to navigate to the payment statistics of the Comgate payment system |
transId required | string unique alphanumeric transaction identifier (code) (transactionId) |
status required | string current transaction status, values |
payerName | string transmission of the name of the account belonging to the payer |
payerAcc | string transmission of the payer's account number |
fee | string if the e-shop has set up automatic deduction of the payment fee, the transaction fee will be calculated in this field in cents or pennies, otherwise the field will take the value 'unknown' |
vs | string variable payment symbol (may not always be available) |
cardValid | string expiration of the payer's card available for repeated initiation payments |
cardNumber | string partial payer card number available for recurring initiation payments |
appliedFee | integer The surcharge amount applied for unregulated card types. |
appliedFeeType | string The type of surcharge applied for unregulated card types, such as 'EU_UNREGULATED', 'NON_EU_BUSINESS', 'NON_EU_CONSUMER', or non-surcharge 'EU_CONSUMER'. |
Request samples
- cURL
- Java
- Python
- C#
# You can also use wget curl -X GET https://payments.comgate.cz/v2.0/payment/transId/AAAA-BBBB-CCCC.json \ -H 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2Omd4NHE4T1YzVEp0Nm5vSm5maGpxSkt5WDNaNlljaDB5'
Response samples
- 200
{- "code": "0",
- "message": "OK",
- "test": false,
- "price": 10000,
- "curr": "CZK",
- "label": "Beatles - Help",
- "refId": "2010102600",
- "payerId": "string",
- "method": "ALL",
- "account": "string",
- "email": "platce@email.com",
- "name": "string",
- "transId": "AB12-CD34-EF56",
- "status": "PAID",
- "payerName": "string",
- "payerAcc": "string",
- "fee": "string",
- "vs": "string",
- "cardValid": "string",
- "cardNumber": "string",
- "appliedFee": 0,
- "appliedFeeType": "string"